Ed Sheeran’s Security Guard Has An Instagram With 965K Followers, And It’s Better Than His Boss’s (New Pics)
Ed Sheeran is on a mission to make his security guard Insta-famous and they’re doing a pretty good job. The singer said he won’t rest until the man who has his back, Kevin Myers reaches 1 million followers. And he’s just 33.7K shy! However, judging by his feed, it’s clear that people are subscribing to his content not just because Ed told them to. With his funny photos and witty captions, Kevin is on top of the Instagram game.
More info: Instagram
Me and bae fooling around #ifonlyyoucouldseewhathesdoing #imthedaddy
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Giving bae advice on how to spend his money. Give it to me and I’ll show you how to live son #yachtlife #imthedaddy
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Look at this little mug waiting to see bae. Oh wait, it is bae #mugindisguise #thealbumsoldalot #soimkeptinthelifestyleimaccustomedtoo #imthedaddy
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Enjoying a rare moment alone with bae #cuddletime #snugs #everybreathyoutake #everymoojyoumake #alwayswatching #imthedaddy
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Me in utter disbelief at what a bloody legend I’ve become #whowouldveknown #meobviously #cozivealwaysbeenalegend #imthedaddy
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Me and bae drinking Buck’s Fizz on a canal in Paris #classyblokes #romanticgetaway #idontspeakfrench #wee #lol #imthedaddy
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Walking off into the sunset with bae #whoneedsahoneymoonwheneverydayiswithbae #clammyhands #notmineobviously #imthedaddy
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Chopper life with bae #treatinghimtothehighlife #iknowthepilot #dontaskhowthough #imthedaddy
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Buy my merch and make me rich like bae, I got dreams of owning a yacht #goon #edsheerandotcom #orhisgigs #ineedmoremoney #givemeyours #myhumouraintfree #youenjoythispageyeah #sobuyatshirt #imthedaddy. Limited edition shirts available on all merch stalls in uk/Ireland stadium tour #nodiscounts #imthedaddy #werich
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Bae trying to join the mile high club #whatishelike #jetlife #ohgoonthen #hopenoonenotices #butiactuallyhopetheydo #betterthaneasyjettoilets #buymymerch #imthedaddy
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Me and bae enjoying a little inside joke together #ifyouknowyouknow #cute #lol #imthedaddy
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When bae’s booty on fleek #popthatforarealone #wigglewigglewiggle #alwayswatching #imthedaddy
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Staring off into the distance giving some mug the ‘u want some’ eyes #notlikethat #butinanaggresivemanner #tryme #ilknockyouout #alwayswatching #imthedaddy
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Me holding my tounge because I don’t want to tell bae he’s upset me #cozimahardbloke #butihavefeelingstoo #imthedaddy
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Always. Watching. #bestseatinthehouse #imthedaddy #iprefersimplyred #boredofthesamesongseverynight #alwayswatching
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Me and bae having a romantic trip up to Swansea #raindropskeepfallingonmyhead #garethbalewasbetterattottenham #ithinkimmarypoppins #waitingtoflyflyflyaway #dickvandykeismorecockneythanme #aveit #lookatstuartbeingamug #imnotstuart #imthedaddy
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Bought this plate to eat my kebabs off of #kebabsnotabs #officialweddingmerch #baeisroyaltytome #burgersauce #whyhaveabswhenyoucanhavekebabs #imthedaddy
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Having an honest guinnae courtesy of bae #iron #haventhadanormalpooindays #fluffyontop #cantstop #wontstop #guinnessistasty #yayforbae #imthedaddy
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Getting in my 5 a day #potassium #waspeckish #peelitformebae #peoplearegonnathinkitsaninnuendobutiwasjusthungry #imthedaddy
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Bae giving me my tea, I’m too rich to use my hands now #unlessitsforpleasuring #maybeme #maybebae #butilnevertell #privatejetlife #pgtips #lookatmydeathstare #ilhaveyoumug #mug #lol #imthedaddy #buythemerch #werich
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Bae teaching me how to play one of his many multi platinum hits #onceivelearntitimcomingforhim #kevsoloalbumcomingsoon #buyit #makemerich #targetdemographic #betterthanbae #pinup #notadryseatinthehouseifiplayashow #imthedaddy @lowdenguitars
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All you need in life. Mansions & Mercedes. And of course, my Man crush Monday #mcm #baeisthatman #obvz #cuteasabutton #butimhardasnails #quadM #imthedaddy
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Bae made me an anniversary meal #gotmilk #ido #bib #lol #themealwastodiefor #lookatmysmile #lookatbaessmile #weareone #butimthedaddy #alwayswatching
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Always watching. Unless it’s cricket. Boring fuckin sport. 4 days for a game? Behave #warneyisanalrightblokethough #worldcupisabitofme #belgiumwillwin #iusecricketbatsforotherthings #imthedaddy
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Me and bae enjoy the occasional stroll in the country #cadid #freshair #werich #imthebigspoon #alwayswatching #imthedaddy
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If I think about boneless chicken wings enough, a chicken will appear #dreamscometrue #ilikenugs #butbaeisveg #wetty #breastorthigh #ilikeboth #cozimapropergeeza #imthedaddy
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Admiring bae. He’s a naughty sort isn’t he #getmeonloveisland #imtoomuchtohandle #allman #alsogoodbanter #myiqisthatofallthemalecontestantscombined #apartfromthatwetdoctor #buthesnothreatishe #imthedaddy
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New movie coming soon ‘security kev – the life and times of a bloody legend’. I was gonna learn my lines but then I remembered it’s about me so what I say goes #comingtoacinemanearyou #unlessyouliveinashithole #thenitwillbeinacinemainthenicetownnearby #imthedaddy
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Me and bae being told we gotta post more cute pictures coz my fans SIMPLY CANT GET ENOUGH OF HOW CUTE WE ARE #ipromisetobemoreactive #iwasjustgoingthroughsomethings #sowasbae #wemadeupthough #sohetookmetoawhiskeyfactory #whatishelike #lol #imthedaddy
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Me and bae and some Essex scrubber #theyaskedforthepicture #notme #imfamous #andrich #imthedaddy
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Always watching #guesswhosback #ivebeenaway #gettingrichwhileisleep #maywee #french #lol #wheresthecrackerwithmycheese #waterbizkit #eyefulltower #romance #imthedaddy
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Me and bae on a nice summer bike ride #theyseemerolling #andbaeting #anditsagreatwaytostayinshape #amsterdamhasmoretoofferthandrugs #healthylifestyle #imthedaddy
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Taking a selfie with one of my groupies #turnsoutitwasjustablokewithtits #baehasmoretolove #andlovesaburger #dadbod #hedoestrythough #blesshim #imthedaddy
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Getting there #securitykevHQ #almostatbaeslevel #imbetterthanbaeatalotofthingsthough #likebeingahardbloke #andshowingnoemotion #ileatyouforlunch #cmonladiescmonladies #onepoundfish #imthedaddy
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U wot
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My new band Wrong Direction. #makingmoves #bigtime #imthedaddy
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I’m just so happy to be included #wearethefourbestfriendsthatanyonecanhave #brosbeforehoes #unlessitsjenniferaniston #orbae #orharrykane #werich #imthedaddy
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Me and bae laughing about what a peng sort I am #werich #verifiedking #whatishelike #baebeforeblokes #propergeeza #imthedaddy
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Me looking at bae’s recent record and ticket sales #keepmeinthelifestyleimaccustomedto #werich #imthedaddy
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This is just the way he shows his affection #fishhook #iamasalmon #salmonsinthestream #thatiswhatweare #lol #imthedaddy
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Me and bae have walkie talkies so we can tell each other jokes #ilikethenamewalkietalkie #makesmefeelsilly #imthedaddy
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Bae travelling in style, I prefer a private jet but he loves climbing on me #youheardme #butimthebigspoon #coz #imthedaddy
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Bae just stood on my toe #ouchie #lolnotreally #imthedaddy
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They say whoever owns a Ferrari is compensating for something. And bae owns two #justsaying #imthedaddy
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Bae “let’s get hammered” lol #whatishelike #mymansacomedian #happinesscaptured #loliday #imthedaddy
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Perfect way to spend the perfect day with bae #hemadethecut #lol #semi #imthedaddy
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Three generations of hard blokes. Gramps, me and bae. Bae is letting the side down a bit being such a wet sack but wel make him a man eventually #believe #achieve #imthedaddy
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Recording an official England song with bae #itscominghome #threelions #ilikegoingtocroatiaforholidays #butiftheybeatusilnevergoagain #harrykaneforprimeminister #imthedaddy
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Jetting off with bae, where will our next adventure be!? #jetlife #imthedaddy
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Me and bae got matching Tiffany key rings #4lyfe #thosewhoworktogethersticktogether #ididntknowtiffanydidkeyrings #thoughttheyonlydidengagementrings #butwhywouldiknow #imabloke #ahardbloke #imthedaddy
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When you and your friend are talking about that one person you both don’t like #meangirls #sticktogether #thisonetimeatbandcamp #imthedaddy
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Couple goals AF #sugarbear #imthedaddy
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Look at this legend. Not Wonkeye, me #imthedaddy
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This is after one hour of bae taking me to an art gallery #icouldpaintthisshit #whobuysthisstuff #peoplewithtoomuchmoney #likebae #notforme #imthedaddy
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Bae smelling my new scent. I call it ‘sweaty summer’ #instoressoon #butseriouslythough #globalwarming #ecowarrior #recyle #imthedaddy
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Me admiring bae. He’s a peng sort isn’t he!? #mancrush #pengpengpeng #imthedaddy
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Sorry I’ve been away. Bae whisked me off to napa valley to go wine tasting #idontlikewine #butitmakesmefeelclassy #backforgood #garybarlow #imthedaddy
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Picture of when bae took me to wine country #idontlikewine #butitmakesmelookposhandrefined #moreteavicar #romanticgetaway #sloshed #imthedaddy
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Bae and the guy your girl told you not to worry about (me) #sexmagnet #imthedaddy
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Oh look ! I’m still the daddy #nothingchangesinmyworld #myworldiseverpresent #overpowering #devouring #imthedaddy
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Goodbye this lot, they are a good bunch. Good luck @annemarie – I like your 2002 song #itsbritneybitch
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One hard bloke and one bloke who’s eyes are home and away #wonkface #imthedaddy
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Eyeing up bae like a snack #imthebigspoon #cuteasabutton #imthedaddy
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We love YOU. Not you. Muggy little sort. Ain’t we cute? #whydoistayon978kfollowers #itssoclose #getmetoamillion #imthedaddy
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Who’s got that friday feeling? #friyay #weekendishere #romantictripplanned #excited #kansas #wizardofoz #imthedaddy
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When his legs don’t work like they use to before. #lazyc*** #thatsongmadeusrich #werich #imthedaddy
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#whenhegrowsuphewantsabeardlikemine. #heaspirestobelikeme #couplegoals #imthedaddy
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#couldneverleavebae #shawncouldntaffordme #baeisricher #werich #shawnjustpoppedroundtoseethedaddy #imthedaddy
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Me and bae went to NASA today #houstonwehavealegend #iaskedthemhowtheypoo #noteasilywastheresponse #didntaskaboutwankingthough #imaginethemess #imthedaddy
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Don’t laugh mate, I’m not getting into your bed on our first night back #baethinksimeasy #ittakesmorethan1glassofchampagne #heiscutetho #isaywhen #imthedaddy
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Had an eventful Valentine’s Day with bae #hegotmeflowers #whatishelike #thenaromanticdinner #thenUNOWHAT #imthedaddy
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When you have to carry baes dress coz she’s looking too on fleek to let it drag on the ground #fashonweek #imthedaddy
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Everyday is my birthday. Wot
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When the sunshine’s, wel shine together, swear that il be here forever, that il always be a friend, took an oath, ima stick it out til the end #ilikeriri #umbrella #bae #imthedaddy
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Bae pie #rugger #imthedaddy
Image credits: securitykev
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2uzVApn
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